Our range of Local Leaflets and Press Adverts can be personalised with your contact details to help you drive local awareness.

See below the range of adverts and leaflets available to you.

Local Leaflet & Press Ads Artwork

How to get your personalised adverts/leaflets

Top Tips

  • Plan your timings. Ensure you have enough time to meet all the deadlines and support your activity dates. Give yourself minimum of 8 working days for print and delivery of door drops by our printer Paragon.
  • Book the media space for Adverts. Contact your local publication and understand audience size and area reach. Negotiate your price and book space for you advert or door drop insertion.
  • Think about the size. The adverts have been created as A5 artwork which is the most common format used for press and door drop activity. These cannot be resized but if you do feel a different format would work better for you, please let your Regional Area Manager know. If there is sufficient demand we’ll consider this when creating future material.
  • Measurement. Think about how you will measure the results of the activity. Gather feedback from customers e.g. did they see the advert, door drop.
  • Don’t forget to speak to your Regional Area Manager - they have lots of experience and will be able to guide you.